Friday 7/10/15

Shipping QSLs this morning and our final shipment this week. Shipping next week will possibly be delayed a day or so due to late delivery of our card stock from supplier.

Wednesday 7/8/15

We are shipping all orders approved by Monday afternoon today. Orders approved by 4:00 PM today will be shipped Friday. We will be processing new QSL orders and answering emails today also.

Tuesday 7/7/15

Tuesday. Completing our first printing for this week this morning. We will cut off  printing at approximately 09:00 PDST. Get those emails answsered to approved your proof to have your QSLs mailed this week. We will be processing new QSL orders and responding to email the remainder of the day.

Monday 7/6/15

We will begin our first weekly printing today. Processing new QSL orders and sending email proofs. We will also answer any email inquiries.

Sunday 7/5/15

We will be processing new QSL orders today. Check your email for proofs where were sent for orders on Saturday. We will be printing again on Monday so get those emails answered so we may include your QSLs in our printing.

Saturday 7/4/15

Happy Fourth of July !

Our office is closed today to celebrate the 4th of July and it is also Sue and my wedding anniversary today.

We will be checking our email off and on for the remainder of the weekend.

I may work on new orders later this evening so we can keep our printing schedules on track.

Please be safe today but enjoy your  family and friends !


Friday 7/3/15

We will be processing new QSL orders and responding to email this morning. Our office will close at noon today. We will be monitoring our QSL orders and email from home all weekend intermittently.

If you need assistance, please use the contact page on . We will respond as quickly as possible.

Please have a safe 4th of July.

God Bless America


Hal K6RF & Sue WA6SUE