Catching up on those online orders placed this Holiday weekend. Watch for your email proof. Last day to enter our free QSL drawing for May.
Month: May 2016
Monday 5/30/16
Please have a safe and fun filled Holiday. We will be back bright and early Tuesday to serve your QSL needs.
Saturday 5/28/16
We are on a limited schedule this Holiday Weekend. We will process new online orders as time permits and email those proofs. We are away from our office phone until Tuesday morning.
Friday 5/27/16
Thursday 5/26/16
Sue is packaging and preparing to ship today. We will be making up layouts for all new online orders and emailing proofs throughout the day.
Wednesday 5/25/16
We will be emailing proofs for online QSL orders today.
Tuesday 5/24/16
Finishing up our printing this morning. Sue is preparing a large shipment today. We will be emailing proofs for online orders received.
Monday 5/23/16
Starting our first printing for the week. We will be emailing proofs for online orders today. Be sure to respond to those emails to avoid delays in processing your QSLs.
Sunday 5/22/16
We are closed today but do check our email through out the day.
Saturday – Sunday 5/21 5/22
Our office is closed Saturday and Sunday. Email is the best way to contact us during this time if you have a question regarding our QSLs.