November 30, 2018 Friday

Sue is preparing our final shipment of printed orders for this week.  We will be emailing QSL previews to new online orders.  Our office phone closes at noon today.


November 28, 2018 Wednesday

We are finishing up our first printing for the week this morning.   Sue is packaging completed orders for shipment this afternoon.  Expect an email proof of your QSL if you order today.

November 26, 2018 Monday

We hope you had an enjoyable weekend and perhaps worked some DX in the contest.
I am emailing QSL card previews to those who placed QSL orders over the weekend.  Please respond to those quickly to avoid delays in your order.

November 16, 2018 Friday

Finishing up our final printing for the week.  We will be shipping on Saturday this week. New online orders will be sent their email QSL card preview to look over prior to printing.