Thursday 5/21/15

Completing our printing for all recent approved QSL orders which have approved their emailed proofs.  The remainder of the day we will process new orders and respond to emails.

Wednesday 5/20/15

We are shipping today all orders which have approved their emailed proofs prior to Tuesday morning. We will be processing new online & phone orders for our next shipment on Friday.

Friday 5/15/15

We are doing our final shipping for this week today.  Processing new orders for all those who were not able to attend Dayton this year (that includes Sue and I).

Thursday 5/14/15

Printing new orders which we have received email approval of their proofs up until 9AM PDST today.  Processing new QSL orders and responding to emails.


Wednesday 5/13/15

We are shipping today for all orders which have been printed up until Tuesday morning. We are also processing new QSL orders for our next printing and shipping which is Friday 5/15. Recent email proofs which have been approved prior to Thursday 9am PDST will be shipped Friday.