Wednesday 4/29/15

Shipping QSL orders today and processing new orders. Once the boxes are in USPS hands today they will be scanned and you will be receiving an email from with tracking info. Sometimes this takes until the next morning before any movement is shown on their website.  The expected delivery date is not always correct due to problems within their system and there is nothing we can do to find out any other information than what is shown there. Most orders coast to coast take about 3 days if everything goes normal. We do not guarantee an exact delivery time as we have no control over their system.

Tuesday 4/28/15

We are finishing up printing this morning and getting our sheets of QSLs ready for cutting and sorting. All new QSL orders will be processed today and emails responded to. Shipping of all printed and cut orders will be on Wednesday.

Sunday 4/26/15

We have a limited schedule this morning with just a few email replies and all orders needing processed will be done so when we return later this afternoon.

Sue and I are leaving mid morn to do a little QRP activity out near a local lake. We will be checking 20-15-10 for band conditions in hopes of making a few contacts with our QRP gear and Buddy Pole antenna. This will give our do-no-wrong-dachshund “Sissy” a chance to get some play time as well.

Keep an ear out for us in the phone portion  and CW QRP frequencies of those bands.  Our QSL card will be send to all contacts we make.

Hal K6RF & Sue WA6SUE

Friday 4/24/15

Final shipping of the week today. Processing new QSL orders. Equipment maintenance planned for this afternoon. Our office phone closes at noon today, however we will be keeping an eye on email for new orders and to answer your questions. We are working on a new section to our website which will feature QSL designs of 40 years ago or even longer. We expect these to be very popular. They will have the standards of today in QSL info but keep the old time look. Keep an eye on our website at for them coming soon.

Wednesday 4/22/15

Today we are shipping all printed QSLs for those who have replied to their email proofs prior to Tuesday.  We also will be processing new QSL orders and printing later today all new approvals. Our cut off time for printing those who will ship Friday 4/24/15 is Thursday morning 8:00am PDST. We do start early on print days in order to get all orders which are approved printed and out in the mail on Friday.

Tuesday 4/21/15

We are finishing up printing this morning and responding to email.  All emailed proofs which have been answered are now printed. We will be able to get any new approvals printed for Wednesday shipment if they are received within the next hour.